Sport Amount & When to Feed
Normal to strenuous exercise lasting less than 30 minutes per set or heat  1-2 scoops per 16 oz of clear drinking water dissolved well after each set/heat.
Strenuous exercise lasting 30-60 minutes per set or heat 2-4 scoops per 16-20 oz of clear drinking water dissolved well after each set/heat.
Extreme work/endurance lasting over 60 minutes 2-6 scoops per 16-20 oz of clear drinking water dissolved well after completion of exercise.


Power Boost can be premixed using one cup of Power Boost mixed in 1 gallon of clean drinking water well dissolved.  Kept cold will last 48 hours. 

Power Boost can also be made into ice cubes and given after exercise.

Power Boost is designed to be used AFTER exercise with preferably 45-60 minutes rest after giving it.  If you are giving Power Boost prior to an event or exercise

Allow at least 8 hours prior to the event or exercise for best results